>>>> - LD_Echo - <<<<
▲  ▼  Welcome to LD_Echo!


Are you a PHP developer?

var_dump() got you in the dumps?

Tired of print_r with <pre></pre>?

echo not sounding what you want to hear?

I got tired of these solutions as well.

Lucky for you, I am the type of guy who will spend hours to save minutes.

I was working on another PHP project (still under wraps of top secret privacy) when I got side tracked by the too-many-th time I tried to echo an object and, well, you know how that goes. And who can easily read a var_dump()? Not me. So, the side-track began, because what application development doesn't have at least 100 side tracks? I created Dev::Echo(). I liked it, and all was good. But good can be great, so I subclassed it to LD_Echo and gave it ALL the functionality I think I could possibly want. And because us devs gotta stick together, I am making it publicly available for you here.

Want some examples?

At the top of the page is a simple string example done by Dev::Echo('Welcome to LD_Echo!');

Want some more examples?

Check out some other examples