>>>> - LD_Echo - <<<<
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License Info

For all the items in the LD_Echo/_MAIN folder.

LD_Echo by J Loiacano is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Basically for the files in this folder:

(You must scroll/read the legal text to the bottom to agree)

For all the items in the LD_Echo/EDITABLE folder.

LD_Echo by J Loiacano is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Basically for the files in this folder:

(You must scroll/read the legal text to the bottom to agree)

You must agree to both licenses to download.
While you are downloading...

Help a caffeine addict out.

Click on the jittering purple coffee cup down there Pointer to download and buy me a cuppa so I have the energy to develop more products to help you out.
